公司簡介 | Company Profile
成都瑞陽醫療設備有限公司坐落于成都市新都區石板灘鎮四川現代農機產業園,是一家以生產醫院病房護理設備,集設計、制造、安裝為一體的綜合性制造公司。公司擁有專業的技術人員和生產檢測設備,具有健全的管理體制,擁有一批技術全面、經驗豐富的中高級技術人才。公司產品設計合理、性能可靠、外觀美觀、性價比高、能滿足各醫療單位等用戶的需要。 “樹品牌、講信譽 ”是公司的經營宗旨。 “求實、創新、和諧、共贏”和公司的核心價值觀。 熱忱歡迎各界朋友到公司參觀指導! Chengdu Ruiyang Medical Equipment Co., Ltd. is located in Sichuan Modern Agricultural Machinery Industrial Park, Shibantan Town, Xindu District, Chengdu. It is a professional company that integrates design, manufacture and installation of hospital ward care equipment. The company has first-class technical personnel and advanced production testing equipment, with advanced and sound management system, and has a group of middle- and high-level technical talents with com...